Pre-Traitors Day & Pre-Election Day tasting July 3rd

Post-Traitors Day & Post-Election Day tasting July 10th


A friend of mine once called American Independence Day “Traitors Day”. Controversial I know, but it was said as satire, and it tickled me. I always said I would use it one day and now I have!

It tickled me, because one man’s traitor is another man’s Freedom Fighter and they are only traitors if they lose. They did not lose, which made July 4th a successful revolution!

Rival views in politics can often bring conflict, so I thought we should bring the two together and look at the impact the American Revolution had on whisky, with a Bourbon & Whisky Tasting, whilst we wait to see the impact July 4th will have on England fate!

Two separate tastings.
Two venues different
Two dates:


1. Pre-Traitors Day & Pre-Election Day July 3rd at The Stablehand.
2. Post-Traitors Day & Post-Election Day tasting July 10th Meat & Wine Co


Samuel Pepys described The Pub as “The heart of England”, and pubs are quintessentially English, so we’re heading to The Stablehand pub in Lancaster Gate, which has ties to Winston Churchill and other English Prime Ministers.  

Supper: 2 course menu Ribeye and Desert. Vegetarian options are available

5 dram tastings:
To the victor goes the spoils!

3 award winning Whiskeys from Uncle Nearest including the World's Best Tennesses Whiskey 2003 and one that is not available outside of the USA!

2 English whiskies. Did you know, in the last five years, English whisky has won the highly coveted World’s Best Single Malt title twice which is more times than scotch!

 2 hosts 
The legendary, Uncle Nearest UK & EU Market Manager, Matt Neal will guide you through their epic drams, whilst our very own tasting guru, Paul, will work his magic with  the English whisky.

Arrive from 6.15pm for a 6.30pm sharp start

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